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Old 06-11-2006, 10:38 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
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For anyone who's ever read Marvel

Another "universe-wide" event is happening at the moment.
The storyline I'm referring to is "civil war" which crosses over into most titles in the current marvel universe.
Basically, it starts when a fight between a superpowered team and a few villains goes nuclear, and around 600 innocents, including children are blown away.
The "superpower registration act" (much like the mutant registration act seen in the xmen comics and films, except this one encompasses all powers regardless of origin) is being bought in as a result of the capes being blamed for the disaster.
Some of the heroes are behind it, some totally against it, and some caught in the middle.
I think this is definately one to look out for, I've been following the comics so far and yeah, some hardcore shit is gonna happen, seems about half the known superheroes are going to be going up against the other half, despite former friendships.

Check out the trailer at
Just click the button in the middle and it plays a "so far..." kinda thing.

If anyone wants to read these comics without spending a fortune, join up to soulseek or DC++, pm me your username, and I'll send them across to you.

- B
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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