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Old 01-12-2013, 02:45 AM
viv viv is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 25
I would've thought that laughter or screams in the woods or in the house would be the third category - spectral acousmatic voice - the presence of a voice with no perceivable source - an unknown source.

This is pretty much the most common horror trope for me tbh, and ubiquitous in shooter/horror/suspense games such as resident evil, silent hill and doom. The acousmatic grunting, snorting or shrieking haunts the gamer - raising the tension - due to a present presence of unknown location and unknown proximity. There - but where?

Suspiria Blue Ray arrived today so will probably be posting about that too soon. Also Dead Silence by James Wan looks interesting - seems to fall squarely into the second category (relocated voices) - expect it pivots around the power of ventriloquisitic horror in the same vain as Magic, Dead of Night etc....
Notes From The Vomitorium
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