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Old 01-12-2013, 12:01 AM
viv viv is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 25
Watched Insidious last night. Good film. Interesting in that voice tends to be the consistent affect across two dimensions (whereas appearance is not). The first introduction to another world is via a voice emanating from the baby monitor, and later the only connection left to the 'real' world is the voices - the voice of the wife reaching, echoing into the further.

I must admit, I felt the depiction of the spirits went too far at times. The fight scene in the first seance and the bed scramble with the fire faced man later on were needless. The less a film depicts the object of fear the better imo - which is why films like Exorcist and The Shining work so well - there is a manifestation but no depiction of the actual threat....
Notes From The Vomitorium
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