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Old 01-17-2015, 08:22 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
does anyone even know who Zwoti is?
He was just one of us posters, I think he was posting in here a bit before me...though we're talking about, like turn of the century type time when I signed up in my original incarnation, though yeah, I think he stopped frequenting the site even before I did, and you can see how long since I've been properly around.
As I recall he was the first to get any kind of moderator status around here.
Could be wrong though.

Actually you did. It's just a long time ago now
Hm, ok. Probably for vindictive purposes if it was back in the day...darth whatever, few issues with some guy sedatedsomething...may have thought it would be fun.

And you doing precious little might be enough to keep this place running as HDC has been a calm and friendly place for quite some time now.
Well yeah, about that much is planned.
Though yeah while I can try to stick my head in a little more, I can't say I'm going to be running comps or anything like that. I'll probably just try to keep things tidy, unspammy and somewhat trouble free if I can.
The door got in..:rolleyes: