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Old 09-26-2012, 12:30 PM
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braindamagefilms braindamagefilms is offline
Scares Little Kids
Join Date: Dec 2006
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Posts: 15
The show is basically an alternate storyline than the comics. The creator stated he wanted to try different things and throw different dynamics at the show. The reason being that he wanted the comic book fans to not know what happens, but also so he can have fun writing it and trying things he didn't get to try in the comics.

Also if you have netflix the whole first season is on there and worth watching! The second season not a "whole lot" happens, but some important things do. you could get by watching the first two episodes then skipping to like episode 6 or 7 lol. I'd watch it though, its the best show on television and cant wait for season 3!

I also participate in TWD forums, but its fun to get opinions elsewhere :P I've gotta pick up issue 102 today, I have it on hold every month so if they do run out I still get one.
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