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Old 10-24-2018, 02:51 PM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 2,014
I have a process where a do the outline in my head and if there are small details I want to use I will write them down but I like to have the entire outline in my head and at least a subplot or two. After writing the above comment, I actually wrote a few paragraphs a few hours ago. The Story begins at a funeral and I wrote a eulogy that is delivered. I am constantly going back and editing while I am writing when I get a little stuck. Then when I am done I go back through Andre edit again. Then I go back and read it and check for any mistakes I might have missed before. Then when I am happy with it I let a few willing people read it and let me know what they think or if they spot any errors or have any ideas that I like. That's what I did with my vampire book, The Blood Reapers. The only problem was every process I did I rushed because my girlfriend at the time was pregnant and getting close to having the baby when the book was accepted by damnation books. I rushed finishing the book and editing it because I knew once the baby was born, which I played for 2 years to, I would have no free time for quite a while to work on the book. This one is different. This time I have all the time in the world and I feel this is such a better story than the blood Reapers.
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