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Old 07-25-2017, 10:05 AM
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Originally Posted by FryeDwight View Post
Really like that one...would love to see it on a Double Bill with TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN.

THE HAUNTING (1963). Seems I wasn't alone in watching this...truly one of the best and scariest films ever. has given the heebie jeebies to everyone I've shown it to.
Saw this in 1975 in the Panama Canal Zone at a big old fashioned movie theater with a balcony and a huge lobby full of posters of upcoming films. Every Friday, there was an "Owl Show" starting at 10 which usually showed horror flicks (Lots of Hammers viewed). Went to check it out and the crowd was really into it, although problems arose as the print we were watching slipped into Spanish whenever Julie Harris is thinking ( usually the films had Spanish subtitles) and we had a hard time figuring what was going. Still liked it and don't think I've ever heard such screams as the part close to the end...and if You've seen it, You know what I'm talking about. *****

Avoid the horrid 1999 remake at all costs...even Lily Taylor and Liam Neeson couldn't save it.
The 1999 remake isn't near as good as the original. But one thing the remake did is make real good use of displaying the inside of the mansion, which is breathtaking. The main thing I didn't like about the remake is the ending. Lot's of special effects, but story conclusion very unsatisfying. I was a bit disappointed with the org's ending as well (which I thought was a bit baffling and abrupt) but there's always a worse ending I guess.

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