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Old 11-07-2013, 06:16 PM
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ImmortalSlasher ImmortalSlasher is offline
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Originally Posted by ferretchucker View Post
@Immortalslasher - I really enjoyed Trick R Treat. I'd never compare it to Halloween and it does have its flaws, but I thought as a nice little anthology it worked well. For me it was more about capturing the spirit of Halloween rather than being truly scary. It's like the stories you'd tell around the bonfire - were they ever really scary? Or were they just slightly unsettling, pretty fun, and based around some absurd twist? :p Good review though.
I think I enjoyed it for the feel of Halloween. It's probably just a case of being over hyped a bit. At least for me.

I think some campfire stories are scary. At least I remember moments. In high school there was a girl everyone liked. I don't think many even knew her. She was kind of pretty at least more than the average girl at our school. But she wasn't model beautiful. Anyway, we were in camp and I was in her group. Our teacher decided to tell stories at night after eating hot dogs and beans over the fire. There were only about 6-10 of us in the group and it was dark maybe 11 or so at night. The pretty girl had a scary story to tell. I don't remember the story but she had a flashlight and aimed it right under her face. I remember how it illuminated her face at night and how she looked at me to try to scare me with a sinister smile. I thought she was one of the coolest girls in that moment and we never even talked before that. It's just something that I remember every time I think about scary campfire stories.
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