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Old 06-01-2019, 04:41 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
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It was a bit of both, but yeah it didn't help.

The narrative seems to be told through "voices in your head", one seems to talk more about the character, one talks to the character and another seems to address you as the player...and they all talk to each other, having a conversation about the now and then of the game...
That, and various whispers and other effects are employed that were literally designed to show you what some mental illnesses are your character is losing their sanity.

Played a bit more last night, in a *slightly* clearer frame of mind.
Was especially hard the first time as the "stage" I was playing had a lot of illusion and perspective based puzzles which I hadn't even originally picked up on...lots of walking around and exploring...I got past it last night, and a particularly savage boss fight.

Good game. I mean I'm not enjoying it quite as much as I did their last game I played "Enslaved", but it's hard not to admire this one on artistic merit too.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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