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Old 02-26-2009, 02:53 PM
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ferretchucker ferretchucker is offline
Ziggy Played Guitar
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Opening credits roll. Fade to a shot of the two stations, crashed in space. Fade into Doc Faustus. He is walking with V and looks worried by something. He looks out the window to the left and sees only blackness. He looks forward and suddenly V is stationary.

Doc Faustus: V?

V says nothing. The loud voice sounds once again.

Voice: Hello Doc. I have another job for you.

Doc Faustus: Why me? Why did you choose me?

Voice: If I remember correctly, I simply saved you.

Doc Faustus: You damned me. Damned me to a life of guilt.

Voice: Is that really worse than no life at all? When this is all over, repent. Do what you want to make up for it. But I suppose I could always turn you over to them. Oh, how they have longed to eat your flesh.

Doc Faustus: You sicken me. I cannot do this. I have done enough. more.

Voice: You would do that? Think of the people you have killed. The mother and child. The young man hiding behind his oven. The rest of them.

Doc Faustus: I betrayed V! I betrayed my team. My blood has kept them on our tail for-

Voice: Don't be so naive! Your blood didn't let them track you. You were making so much noise they could have done that blindfolded. No. Your blood has been sustaining them. They have been without blood for so long. They had turned cannibal! But no, human blood kept the creatures on this ship alive long enough. Many have feasted on the other side, but you let these ones stay alive long enough for what I have planned!

Doc Faustus: What do you mean?

Voice: If you will not aid me, I will not tell you. I am not a fool.

Doc Faustus: I can't.

Voice: Then have fun. I've kept these things from feasting on you long enough. Your friend V might survive. But You won't last two seconds!

Doc Faustus: Get out of my head!

Voice: Always the weakest. The worst. The runt. That's all you were. You were never a fighter. You were a terrible doctor. What was it your dad said?

Doc Faustus: Leave me alone!

Voice: Do as I command!

Doc Faustus: I CAN'T

Voice: You will never amount to anything! Get out of my house. You drove your mother to the drink! YOU!

Doc Faustus: No...

Voice: You never recovered from Dad's words, did you?

Doc Faustus: I'll do it! I'll do it! Please, just get out of my head!

Voice: This ship has the only working escape pods. Those of the AM05 were already faulty, but were destroyed in the crash. But the pods aren't leaving. There is a severed wire. Fix it.

Doc Faustus: Can't those things do it?

Voice: No. It must be you. They would destroy it, and I cannot risk that.

Doc Faustus: What will happen?

Voice: The new creatures will breed. They will find there way to the nearest station and they will expand.

Doc Faustus: Why can't you do it? You messed with our ship!

Voice: I have my reasons. Now go. Find a way to get away from V and go!

V continues walking in front of Doc Faustus. Doc looks around for a moment, then gulps, and carries on walking. The camera moves around to V, who glares slightly. Fade to Dante. He is standing next to a small hole, just big enough for a cat. He looks through it. There is a gap on the other ship, opposite. He grimaces, then grabs the broken metal with both hands. He pulls with all his might. Blood trickles down his fingers as the severed metal cuts into it. Soon, the hole is wide. He stands back and then runs at it, kicking. It makes the hole bigger. He does this a few times. It is big enough for him to fit through.

Dante: I'm coming, Hammerfan!

He jumps. Fade to Papillon Noir and The Flayed one, standing next to a set of stairs.

Papillon Noir: Where now?

The Flayed One: Down, I think. Back on Earth, we generally kept things down low. It seemed safer.

Papillon Noir: Where will it take us?

The Flayed One: I think this set goes down to Level three. Then we'll kill these sons of bit-

The Ceiling falls in as a creatures dives onto Papillon Noir. It knocks her down and starts biting into her forehead. She screams and manages to push it back, but it starts scratching her. The Flayed One tries to slash at the creature with his sword but another one appears and knocks the blade from his hand.

The Flayed One: Bugger!

The Creature leans in to bite his neck. He holds it back though. A third creature appears, then a forth, then a fifth. They start pushing to get at the people. Papillon Noir's screams are getting louder. One of them pulls out a lock of purple hair. Flayed, now being clawed by two creatures, opens a firehose box next to him. He smashes the coupling into one of their faces thenas it gets knocked back blasts it with a jet of water. He does the same to the rest, then makes a jumps for his sword.

Creature #2: GET THE BLADE!

One of them pulls Flayed back as another grabs the blade. It brings it down but another creature intercepts, trying to fight the sword away, to use it himself. Papillon Noir starts punching the creatures but one of them nstarts punching her. So does the next. By this time, Flayed has managed to pull out a smaller knife. He stabs a creature in the chest, and wrestles the sword off of it. The other creature grabs the blade but Flayed turns on the flames. The creature screams in pain.

End credits roll.

The Ferrets like it...

Last edited by _____V_____; 04-27-2009 at 09:58 AM.
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