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Old 10-16-2017, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by DeadbeatAtDawn View Post
Cabin 28, 2017. 3/10

Based on a true unsolved murder in 1981 in which The Strangers movie was also based off of. I didn't know that.

The accents were horrendous and the characters were..well stupid. I wanted the mother dead within the first 20 mins or so. We have super killers that are stabbed and hit with a baseball bat and move as if unscathed. *sigh* The music score horrible. That's it.
That's a great clown mask though...

Originally Posted by Roiffalo View Post
Victor Frankenstein

Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but still over-sexualized, both monsters were CGI, how the hell did "Igor" get so smart being a clown and punching bag in the circus, and even though I enjoyed McAvoy's performance, I think he was channeling a little too much Robert Downey Jr. (more specifically his performance in Sherlock Holmes (which this movie also shares too much slow motion in common)).

The story had a good idea, but bad direction. I would've liked to have seen this with an adult writing the story for an adult audience, instead of by tweens for tweens.

So far in recent years, we've had a Dracula reboot, Mummy reboot, and Frankenstein reboot. But out of all of them, The Wolfman is still the best.
...I actually haven't even seen the Mummy yet but I'm keeping my opinion as just cold hard fact.
Oversexualized? that's kind of weird for a PG-13 Frankenstein film, you know, if it isn't Frankenstein Creates Woman or something... "By tweens for tweens"... ack! that sounds revolting... I'm interested in seeing various takes on the Frankenstein story, but I don't want to see a tween film. I didn't want to see a tween film when I was a tween, that is revolting.

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