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Old 10-17-2013, 12:42 AM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
Where we're at...

Hey folks.

I know it's been a while, I'm hardly what you'd call a regular poster anymore.
Don't really know what happened there - I mean I'm a *bit* busier, but not all that much.

Who knows, right? Stuff changes.

Maybe I'll pop back in here and there, maybe not.
Though I will say, even when I'm not posting I always check in on the place, even if only to see that people have been watching/eating/playing.

So I'm still working not quite full time.
Still a green enthusiast - though I've gone vape only.
Still enjoy cooking and creating recipes.
Got into dehydration, that's pretty fun.

Started hitting the gym about a year massive changes, but I'm a shitload healthier - that works.

Not much has been up in all honesty.

A while ago, seems like ages now...I made a post indicating I might hop back in this year with some interesting news.
Well, I expected things to move along a bit faster than they did.

Anyways, long story short - Those that know me will likely know my partner Spal...who I married after 13 years on our anniversary...that was like what, a year and a half ago?

We're gonna have a baby.
Got the news today at work, she's 3 weeks in - left work after an hour haha...they were cool with it, my head kinda wasn't in the game.

She got her birth control implant out about 13 months ago, and yeah we'd tried and things didn't seem to be going anyplace.
We did a bit of research.
I quit cycling at the gym and went over to cross-training.
We worked on the diet a little, in addition to having cut way back on the green.
I ate asparagus, and I've been eating sunflower seeds...both known to be good for jizz productivity/mobility/numbers.
It seems like it worked - not only did they boost libido, but yeah I guess my boys did their thing.

So if anyone's looking at trying for a kid - Look into what foods you both ought to have, because it seems like shortly after we actually started focussing on this, it happened.

Anyways, probably a bit TMI.

I just thought I'd at least pop in and share the news with those of you that remain of the oldskool.

The door got in..:rolleyes:

Last edited by cheebacheeba; 10-17-2013 at 04:07 AM.
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