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Old 04-17-2016, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Roiffalo View Post
The Raven (1963)

My sister asked me if I had any Vincent Price movies.

I haven't seen this movie since I was a teen... can't remember exactly... maybe 10th grade? The school library actually had it so I borrowed The Raven and another vintage horror. I think it was another Poe story (except it actually stuck to the material) about a house?

My memory is crap, but The Raven was just as cheesy and fun as I remember. Nice to see Boris in a more charming role, despite being a villain.

Favorite part; *guy is evaporated into jam* Welp, time for bed.



I keep forgetting Jack Nicholsen was once young...


The Pit and the Pendulum

Barbara Steele is in this little flick. Always think of Repo when I see her name in the credits.

This was so delightfully creepy. Much closer to Poe's tale than the last one. And at least this wasn't a comedy (not that I hated The Raven, but... c'mon guys). I only have one problem with it. We get to know every character, if only a little bit. Even the maid had a few lines. We see a male servant every once in a while, always entering a room at the end of a scene, but we never hear a word or get to know him at all. And he's the guy we gotta root for at the very end of the movie in the climatic fight scene. It was a bit distracting just trying to cheer and not even knowing what name to encourage on (creds say it was 'Maximilian').
Get'em, Max!

That is strange. Wonder if the endearing Max scenes got left on the penduluming floor.

And I saw The Raven last when I was a teen... nothing to do with the poem.

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