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Old 04-06-2019, 10:59 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Las Vegas
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The person may not have actually been a trump supporter, but I feel like everyone is acting out the way they are because of influences spearheaded by Trump himself. The general public are just so much more rude than they used to be. Yesterday, I was on the bus and some lady rudely told this guy to get out of her face when all he was doing was standing there like the rest of us who weren't sitting because there wasn't enough room. He wasn't even close to her but the guy was black and the girl was white. I'm not saying it was a race thing, but I remember a time when people wouldn't just deliberately try to start shit for no reason every chance they got. I mean people can say and think what they want, but that son-of-a-bitch has set off a chain reaction that's going to turn everyone against each other eventually.
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