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Old 09-10-2012, 02:22 AM
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Fearonsarms Fearonsarms is offline
From The Beyond
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Gates Of Hell
Posts: 3,598
Frat House Massacre (2008)
The title of this suggests that it is going to be your average teenage slasher, but it is nothing of that sort at all. It is set in 1978 US but besides the disco soundtrack and the clothes the characters wear, it isn’t very convincingly 1978 in comparison to films that were actually made in 1978. However the film is alarmingly mean-spirited and sadistic, making it more like a teen exploitation film. Though the story isn’t very original, the delivery certainly is. Plus there are surprising elements that take the film way beyond simple slasher territory. Beginning with the title-referencing massacre which when seen towards the end in its full blood-drenched glory, makes the events in “The Final” look like a manufactured conveyor belt boy band “music” video. Astonishing and pleasingly disturbing.
"The wind that would have killed us both, it saves my life"-Bel Canto
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