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Old 01-01-2017, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Roiffalo View Post
Rosemary's Baby

I need a minute to even register this movie. It's the cock tease equivalent of horror movies. Right when you think you're really going to get something, it ends. We know the baby get's daddy's eyes, but what of the rest of him? There was talk about his hands and feet. Where they hooved? Damn it, movie don't tease me, I want to see!!

The last five minutes are worth the two hours of AGONY that it took to get to the good stuff. If it weren't such a good dramatic ending I would be pissed off about the ending being so abrupt. Does Rosemary take care of Adrian as his mother? The moral battle she must be going through right then at realizing who the father really was. It would make a beautiful story; the devil's child, surely evil and without hesitation for the sake of good must be destroyed, but at the same time... She is his mother. She held him within her, and is a part of her. He may be the devil spawn but he is still an innocent (at this point anyway from what we've seen, I don't think a baby even of Satan is capable of sin as a helpless infant). Would she try to influence upon him some good values? Or give in to the coven's desires to raise the anti-Christ?

Trying to find this on YouTube I came across what looked like a sequel. I'll have to look into it and see what happens next. For once I feel I am in need of a sequel because DAMN... You got me, movie... I see the hype.
I know what you mean. First time I saw Baby, I didn't know the Roman Polanski treatment (I think I was 13ish). Wasn't expecting a 'drama'. But it's the classic "slow-burn horror". It's about the back-of-your-mind instinct that something's not right.

Here's a classic description, "Polanski is less interested in terror and shock than in creating a mood of paranoia and instability. He finds the eerie in the mundane...". It's rather an art film.
Originally Posted by The Villain View Post
I liked the way it ended. I think if they had gone into too much detail about what happens next it would've ended up cheesy or ruined everything that came before. For me, her being happy with the child after everything she went through was the big moment and nothing really mattered after that. I would've liked to see the baby as well but who knows, it mightve ended up looking silly and ruined the movie.
Yes, I think you're right. The rape scene, and to a lesser extent, the ending, were difficult scenes to do realistically, let alone achieving a seamless cinematic progression, and state-of-mind feel, but the film succeeds.

Last edited by Sculpt; 01-01-2017 at 12:00 PM.
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