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Old 02-21-2011, 01:20 AM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
Didn't really go for "wild" just, wherever.
So like, in my place there's not many places or much furniture that haven't played a part.
A few times got her up on a running washing machine, that works pretty well.

Never been one to bother going long sex sessions though...not to be said we both don't get ours though...just that I'd rather multiple fucks than one long big nice-idea-at-first but boring-and-chafing in the end type fuck.
That and, my chick goes EEEASY. Seriously, it's like my dick is the switch and it's just on like that...Sure I'd like to think it's about me, but it's probably just her.

Best I reckon?
On the floor...a hard floor with her on top...nothing to push into, it just works.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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