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Old 05-22-2012, 05:40 AM
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Bob Gray Bob Gray is offline
Demon from Ago
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Originally Posted by Angra View Post
"The Avengers" 7/10


Had some funny moments, but the story was really thin and not very exciting. Not a big superhero fan to begin with so was a little disappointed we only got to see these famous 4. I'd also hoped for some more/stronger villains than just Loki and his aliens.

Scarlett Johansson and arrow dude bugged me. Why where they so good? They weren't superheroes as far as i know. Those two characters shouldn't have been in the movie.
Black Widow is a biotechnologically and psycho-technologically enhanced superspy and martial artist. She was rescued as a child by Captain America

Hawkeye was a runaway orphan that join the circus where he eventually became trained by The Swordsman and Trickshot and honed his archery skills to an expert level. So basically he is just as good as Bullseye. He and Ironman were great friends.
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