Thread: So....
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Old 11-09-2016, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by hammerfan View Post
The results of this election prove what I've always said: at the heart of it, most Americans are racist.
Pretty much. If you ever leave the major cities you come across them. Just take a look at the red areas on the current and previous election years. They will say they are decent, religious, and whatever else. But when you hear what they really believe, which they won't tell you unless behind closed doors or it slips, is when the truth comes out.

Originally Posted by cheebacheeba View Post
My take from over the lake...I don't know too much about your political system...

I find it unusual that there's laws in place to prevent a person from another country becoming president, but not against someone running who, from what I understand doesn't actually have a political background at all?

I'm actually still pondering how this cartoon character of a person got in...racism etc aside, it still baffles that the numbers were in his favour at all.
Yeah, he's got money?
Is that it?

But hey, it is what it is...apparently a number of people think that he'll represent them well. He might. Who knows.

Though I'm wondering,
Considering he certainly seems to be a bit of a racist, arrogant, mouthy and outspoken, and certainly seems to equate money with the ability to conduct yourself any way you want long until any of these factors is the cause of some kind of international incident?

I just hope he doesn't end up taking you guys into some kind of war.
It is funny that Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't qualified for President because he wasn't born here. But could be governor of California. Although he wasn't technically qualified for that position either.

He won for numerous reasons that are probably too much to get into. But basically he excited the people that Republicans previously pandered too. And spoke to their beliefs. That slogan of Make America Great keyword Again. Meaning make America great again for white people. By taking the country back from the few minorities or women who were trying to do things for all Americans.

Originally Posted by hammerfan View Post
And that, my friend, is my biggest fear. And one I can see happening.
We are already close if not already in wars that will take generations to clear up. It will only be worse as his policies will be worse than George Bush since the Republicans have control of both houses. Unless they understand that their duty is to the country and not a President. So many Republicans were against him but I have a feeling that they will fall in line just for their political futures.

Originally Posted by TheBossInTheWall View Post
Goodbye gay marriage
Even worse access to health care for women and abortion in conservative states
Goodbye my health insurance, hello crazy prescription costs
Tentative fear of 'renegotiating' trade with China leading to war.
Watch as Syrian refugees are dumped somewhere and starve
Look, here comes lots and lots emboldened racist violence
So long minimum wage, welcome increasing poverty
Supreme court nomination to keep the rich flooding elections with hidden money
Emboldened rapists in the military

Care to add the the horror of American and international future?
Pretty much.

Some of them talked about revolutions and civil wars if Hillary won. But the sharp divide and the unwillingness to compromise, be decent, and think of others might lead to one here if the economy gets bad and there is another big attack. Because people will start to blame others.
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