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Old 01-14-2013, 04:08 PM
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Ice Pik Ice Pik is offline
The Boogeyman
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 195
idk...I've watched some movies tht I thought as a child was scary as hell then watched it again and was thinking they werent really all that i hype them up to be.

The Others
The excersim of Emily rose
hellraiser 2
the darkness
paranormal activity 1
child's play
the ring
sixth sense
evil dead
haunting in ct
13 ghosts
wes cravens new nightmare

A lot of the classics to me are good movies and served their purpose but yet they're really not my favorites. The excerist was an alright movie but I think it was really overrated but maybe because in the 70's that was something entirely new. Linda blairs face and voice can bring you nightmares but I think the hype really overplayed the movie. Stuff like Friday the 13th, Halloween, nightmare on elm street, tcm were pretty much all the same thing to me which really just ehhh took away interest. while I give nightmare on elm street credit for the original idea. I think the series was great but just not in my top lists.
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