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Old 05-07-2009, 05:54 AM
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Papillon Noir Papillon Noir is offline
Zydrate Anatomy
Join Date: Jan 2007
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haha! That was great Miss Macabre and probably what my reaction will be like watching Inside (I think it's in the Netflix queue for next week), based on what I've heard of it.

Regarding Martyrs, I didn't think it was very gory, very brutul, but not very gory. I found it very emotionally draining as it really strips away your expectations of how horror is depicted. Very high brow, especially the ending. I probably haven't watch a movie that disturbed me as much as when I saw Audition for the first time in the 90's before J-Horror was big.

That being said, Martyrs was amazing and I do highly recommend it, but I think it's for a very narrow audience. So, you should watch it and tape your reaction. :D I'm interested to see how someone else would react to this movie. I watched it when I was alone in the house for the week, so I was already feeling kind of isolated going in.
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