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Old 05-08-2004, 11:54 PM
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Originally posted by LilMissScareAll
I think it isn't really necessary, in most cases...but it doesn't bother me.
It depends on which sub-genre of horror it is I think.

To me, a slasher flick without any nudity is like a comedy without any jokes.

When I go see a zombie or ghost flick though, I'm not really expecting it as much.

In the straightest possible way, let me say that it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if they decided to start throwing in a little more weiner for you ladies to look at, but I wonder how that would affect the rating. They can show boobs in PG-13s, but you seldom see much weiner even in Rs. So for a horror movie to have as much weiner as Sleepaway Camp has boobs, it would probably have to be unrated. (And that is the point where sex stops selling because most theatres won't even carry those types of horror films [The unrated ones.], unless its an independent theatre.) Not to mention the fact that whenever you see a weiner in an unrated horror film, something bad usually happens to it. (How many of you have seen Cannibal Holocaust. *Shudder* That looked soooo real I wasn't able to get an erection for a week.)
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