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Old 04-17-2006, 03:34 PM
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chainleen chainleen is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Apr 2006
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dreams...mine are always crazy.

I used to have recuring dreams where my dad would kill my mom and sister then I would commit suicide by jumping in front of a car or something when he was chasing me so he wouldn't catch me.

another one was I was caught in some guys house and I kept finding these dead bodies everywhere, I would call the authorities but I would either send them to the wrong house, they would go to the wrong house or the guy would someone manage to hide all the bodies and they would think I was lying.

One that always creeped me out was I dreampt something happened to my cat, and he comes home with this gaping hole in his side and it's gory and he's in pain but I don't know what to do for him.

then there's just funny.

I was trying to pee in a bathtub while having a conversation with david bowie...I was ok with him watching me pee but when some young 12yr old came in and wanted an autograph from bowie I was like 'what the fuck?! can't you see i'm trying to pee.'

this one was long but to make it short:

driving down road. Mom's head falls off. Head gets put in jar for preservation purposes. meanwhile this alien ship has begun orbiting earth and it looks an awful lot like a terra-cotta ear (can we say chia-pet..). nothing happens for a few days then the women start killing themselves in weird ways, one woman swallows needles and I see them start to protrude from all over her body. One is dying because she gave her boyfriend a pair of scissors and told him to start cutting so he's cutting chunks off of her body...once all the women are mostly dead the men start to be taken over by the the end I'm chased into the attic of the appliance repair shop (very specific that was) where I was hiding and the guys skin is sliding off and he opens his mouth about 180 degrees and where his tongue used to there is this massive (about the size of someone's thigh) tentacle with a cloven hoof at the end and he rips off the face of the dude who's with me and as the hoofed-tentacle comes for me I wake up.

Bringing horror back to D-town
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