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Old 02-09-2013, 09:20 PM
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Giganticface Giganticface is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 950

Battle Royale (2000)

I enjoyed it, although I wonder if my expectations had been set too high. For the first half of the movie, I thought there were too many characters, and the attempts to get the audience invested in each through some back story or relational interest seemed forced. I needed the number of characters that we were expected to care about cut in half.

Of course, by the plot's nature, the number was cut in half by about the 1-hour mark, so at this point it became more manageable. I can't say there was anything that actually made me say "wow," but it was pretty good fun for an adventure/action movie with a little extra blood.


Begotten (1990)

Now this one did make me say "wow." Wow, and "what the-" and "uhh... maybe I should turn the lights on." This movie was freaking nuts. I haven't been so chilled by cinematic imagery in nearly a lifetime. However... The big problem with this movie is that, since it has no real plot (although, afterwards I let the internet explain it to me as best it could), and since it moves soooo slow and not much actually, you know, happens, once the initial chills wore off, the final 40 minutes seem to drag, and dare I say, lull a person to sleep. The artist responsible for this beautiful abomination has said that it's intended to induce some sort of hypnosis. Well, it did cause me to see the inside of my eyelids.

9/10 for being freakishly scary and one-of-a-kind.
5/10 for being 40 minutes too long.
Average = 7/10.

Terrifying Girl's High School Lynch Law Classroom (1973)

Exploitation film has a very broad tent. From "Freaks" to muscle cars to movies about cannibals, there's something for everyone at the grindhouse. I had fun watching this one, but I'm not sure if it was because the story was any good, or because if felt a lot like softcore porn. I'm guessing the latter.

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