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Old 01-20-2013, 10:31 PM
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Fearonsarms Fearonsarms is offline
From The Beyond
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Gates Of Hell
Posts: 3,598
11-11-11 (2011) Not a bad little horror film for all it's minute scope, seemed very patchily delivered like the makers weren't really sure what they were doing. Not a waste of time but not one I'd revisit either.

The Keep (1983) Directed by Michael Mann, this supernatural horror aims for an almost dreamlike aura throughout and succeeds in that but lacks substance and bizarrely shies away from scenes (which shouldn't have been avoided) that could have lifted it's enjoyability much more. Good that it's something a bit different but I just didn't engage with this, there was nothing to draw the viewer in, it's too cold and ultimately hollow.
"The wind that would have killed us both, it saves my life"-Bel Canto
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