Thread: Microhorror
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Old 08-18-2013, 04:50 PM
AlexSivier AlexSivier is offline
Horror writer
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Posts: 19

Hi all
My latest thing is writing micro horror stories for twitter. It started as an excercise to hone my editing skills, but I enjoy it so much it has become my number one hobby.

My first few dozen stories were less than 140 characters, but all others since then have been exactly 140 characters, it is more of a challenge (and more fun), that way.

I also wrote a blog post about how I write them.

I post 1 per day usually, sometime more and have written about 250 so far (although only posted about 40 so far)
Here are some examples:

I woke, but kept my eyes shut, still thinking about the man who steals your eyes when you look at him. Then I felt a hot breath on my face.

'Robotically assisted suicide' they called it. And when he asked it to kill him, it slit his throat from ear to ear without blinking an LED.

The man stands in the corner of my room and stares at me all day and all night. I wouldn't mind so much if he had some skin on his face.

The hideous creature lived in the attic, scurrying around at night, eating rats and cackling. "It's time to put mother in a home," I said.

Their kissing became hot and heavy, sucking each other's faces like lampreys. Then his eyes snapped open. "That's not a tongue," he thought.

"I'm not a stalker," he thought. "Stalking implies motion, and I have been standing over her, watching her sleep, for hours."

You can find my twitter feed here, and a list I made of other microhorror writers here.

Anyway, I would love some feedback and if you like, please subscribe. Also, if you have any of your own, please post them here to give us all the chills.
A new twitter microhorror story every day @AlexSivier
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