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Old 03-30-2019, 07:55 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Las Vegas
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It's like people just use the online gaming Forum to fuck with others. They have no intentions on playing good fair games. I already mentioned GTA and all the racism that goes on there, and yeah I know not every person of every color is terrible, but when you have people on there pretty much being exact clones of one another as if they were a part of the original Stormtroopers, it really makes you think some people just have one track minds and are unable to evolve past the "stereotype" of African-Americans as if their public display of political correctness is going to make them look better when deep down inside we all know that Mexicans in this country aren't the problem when they work harder than most white people do.

I'm not trying to take this in a racist Direction, but I'm tired of everyone pretending like that's not a problem when the fact of the matter is when do you see white people constantly yelling and screaming and talking over everybody, threatening to pull guns on them over nothing, and throwing around words like Cracker and all this other stupid shit that they think is going to hurt white people when we know it's just words and yet they get so torn apart when people use the n-word, despite the fact that they call each other that as a term of endearment even though the proper spelling of the word was originally created as an insult.

I've noticed with games like WWE or Friday the 13th where it's a smaller and more intimate amount of players in the game, but was WWE you rather have people online glitching you and freezing you to the floor when you are outside of the Ring to get you counted out, or take advantage of stupid spam move glitches that the gamemakers still haven't fixed after about 5 or 6 years of the same problem. This game is honestly a mix of all Races, sort of like Grand Theft Auto but rather than all the hateful speech, these people just glitch you.

Was Friday the 13th you just have assholes helping out Jason when they are supposed to be trying to stop him. I mean I know this is nowhere near as big of a deal as the GTA shit but when I pay money for video games I intend on using them to have fun and relax and unwind, but as each day goes on, people are getting worse and worse about ruining everything and as if that's not enough, they are making gaming to where it just gets downright boring to play offline almost forcing you to play online if you want to do anything fun. I'm just sick of all the stressful bullshit from people who are otherwise too God damn chickenshit to do a fucking thing to somebody's face.
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