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Old 06-23-2006, 01:21 AM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
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For people enjoying the walking dead, I've just had a look at a few other zombie titles I thought I'd reccomend (All out this year):

*Zombie Highway: Starts off a little like the beggining of "from dusk til dawn", action/horror title, slightly more humourous than the walking dead...not the best title out of the three I'm going to mention, but it's a good read with some GREAT zombies.

*Zombies! Feast - A transport busload of convicts breaks down outside a small town, which is of course infested by zombies...Two armed guards and 20 or so prisoners who are all chained to eachother...this one's a bit intense, and has some great looking zombies.

*Fear the Dead - A zombie survivors Journal.
This is one of the more interesting zombie titles I've come's not exactly an comic book story as's an "email" sent from the protagonist, with attatched pictures of a zombie incident. I'm not sure if it's ongoing but it's definately worth a look. Each page is done by a different artist, and I shit you not, some of the fucking BEST art I've ever seen from a few of these guys. Very nice concept, and I'll be looking out for many more issues (hopefully).

...I don't think they come that close to the greatness and excellent ongoing storyline of the walking dead, but for fans of the genre, they're a lot better than SOME of the attempted zombie comics I've seen. Try your retailer, dc++ or soulseek to track them down.

(Tip - If you're looking to download comics, type "cbr" at the end of your search, cbr is the most popular extention for files of this type nowdays, and your search attempts will turn up a lot more results this way.)

Also...rumour has it that Kirkman may be releasing a second "walking dead" comic that will work as a sequal AND sister title to the first ongoing series...although this could just be speculation.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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