Thread: Ren & Stimpy
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Old 10-28-2017, 07:00 AM
LostKite LostKite is offline
Still Here
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 9
Yeah I dtotally agree, this is probably the most disquieting show for kids ever made (including courage and Zim, at least they seem to do it intentionally).

It has this ever present sense of just being the secret fantasies of a mad man.
It's not just that there is a lot of gross out humour, you get this impression that the writers and animators have an abnormal fascination with the human body.

And the way the writers punish Ren while Stimpy seems to not even realise it when he is punished...I know Ren isn't the greatest guy but still...

Just the sheer grotesquery of it all and there's even a bit of satire thrown in. Whether its meant to be a mirror up to a grotesque world or a simulation of some disturbed writers' secret internal hell, this show really gets under your skin.
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