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Old 06-28-2015, 02:37 PM
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DeadbeatAtDawn DeadbeatAtDawn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Extreme Horror Cinema
Posts: 3,551
Watched this last night just as the sun was going down I'm suppose to post my feelings here but what can I say; Awesome! Cool! Brutal! Brilliant! No. I can't. Those words can't describe what I watched. It's an experience. It's a mind set piece.

Let's just say you are REALLY watching a snuff film. How would you feel? Now I would never dig deep enough in the bowels of depravity to search one out but fuck, being in that mind set was totally exciting.

The sounds of the hand saw going through bones, the cracking of bones being smashed with iron heavy metal, the blood slightly oozes because they wanted to keep her alive as long as possible so tourniquets were used...was mind blowing. Sadist cruel fucks, filming, getting off and thinking money. What a world to be apart of. I was in it with them for awhile and it felt good.

It made me squirm in my chair with excitement and pleasure. I was brought to another level with this sick, fucked up piece of cinema.

FX was gorgeous. Perfect in fact. Cinematography was spot on, filmed grainy, then clear, then fade out. That totally enhanced this film and brought it right into your soul. Perfect. Biro did a fabulous job with direction.

The film was everything I thought it would be and a bit more. I'm still thinking about it and probably will for sometime. It's now apart of me. I like that.
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