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Old 02-09-2015, 07:52 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Wentzville, MO
Posts: 1,103
I got up from the computer and stretched. Still not at all tired I decided that it was time to play some games and headed for the media center. I couldn’t hear any ruckus down stairs anymore and I couldn’t see the front of the house from my window, my room faced the back yard, so I couldn’t tell if the police were still here. I flipped on my PlayStation and sat down to enjoy some quiet time.
Plans ran through my head as I mowed down hookers and civilians, stole cars and robbed people. These games were fun, but they didn’t satisfy my need for blood. I have a plan in place for Edith, and for Sarah, and if all goes well for Sarah’s boyfriend. This should be a blast, it will take a lot of patience but in the end, it’s going to be life changing. I only had the other me to thank, my best ideas started flowing as I got closer and closer to meeting him. Now that we have come together I think I am going to have a lot more fun.
I played for a little while and was feeling pretty good about everything when I heard a knock. She must have heard my game because she pushed the door open and stuck her head inside “Michael, can I come in and talk to you?” I thought about saying no, and I thought she probably wouldn’t have second guessed it but instead I said “Go ahead.” She walked into the room and over to the couch where I was intently playing my game. She sat down next to me and I didn’t even acknowledge her. I’m hoping that she will think that I am avoiding the topic and let me be. She said “Michael, how are you taking all of this?” I kept playing and didn’t respond she waited a few seconds and continued “This has to be killing you, I know you loved her. You need to know that it had nothing to do with you. I know that you probably need some time to let it all sink in, but I am here for you if you need me.” I nodded my head slowly and managed to get some tears to well up in my eyes. I was hoping she read it how I wanted her to. Sure enough she said “Its ok Michael, Im going to go to be. You try to get some rest tonight please?” I said “I will, and Edith, thank you.” She smiled softly and reached out to touch my cheek. I started to flinch away but let her soft hand brush against me. She got up and left the room closing the door behind her.
She must have been right about needing some sleep because shortly after she walked out of the room, I passed out right there on the couch. Vivid clear dreams rushing through my head. I relived the moment I saw my mother’s body hanging in her room. Except this time, the other me was hanging on the body swinging back and forth and spinning in circles with a strange ear to ear grin on my face, larger than I would think is possible. My teeth were showing and they were sharp and dripping long strands of saliva. I watched the other me jump down off of the body and start to lick the urine off of the legs of my mother’s corpse. I watched that me take a huge bite out of the thigh of her leg and the blood poured out into my mouth almost cartoon like. As I watched this happen I blinked and when my eyes opened back up it was me chewing on the piece of her thigh as a flood of blood poured out of her legs and over my body. I felt the need to yank her down and eat the rest of her. I grabbed her body and tried to pull her down but I couldn’t get her loose. Then I felt a hand on the back of my head. I jerked back and saw my mother’s eyes open and her slack jawed gaze turned into a loving smile. She said in a very raspy voice “I love you Michael, this is what I want, I wanted you to learn who you really are.” Then a laugh, loud and evil echoed through my head. I grabbed at my ears and fell to the floor screaming. Everything went black and I instantly woke up.
I looked around and realized I had fallen asleep playing my game. My heart beat started to return to normal and I stood up to turn the game off. Walking over to the TV everything still felt very fuzzy. I hit the power button on the PlayStation and on the TV and looked up into the black screen of the TV. I froze in my place… Over my right shoulder standing directly behind the couch I could see my mother in the reflection. I turned around slowly and looked toward the couch. When my head came around she was nose to nose with me and in an instant she brought her hand up to her throat and slid her finger nail across the surface. It ripped a hole in her throat and her blood started to pour through the gash. She grabbed the back of my head and jammed it into the wound. I heard her say “Eat me Michael!” but the sound came from her throat.
Pain shot through my body as I woke up again, this time laying on the floor covered in sweat. My heart felt like it was about to come up out of my throat and as I tried to get to my feet I realized that my knees where very week and collapsed under my weight. I tried to think about what had just happened but even as I was trying to wake up the dreams where fading into the background of my memory. Things where never going to be the same. I felt older, wiser, and I felt like all I wanted was blood. I wanted to feel it on my skin and I wanted to taste it. I loved the idea of watching it pour from a wound. I was ready.
The following days were full of legal stuff and lonely time. I spent a lot of time talking to Sarah because Edith had to go to the lawyer’s office a few time. I didn’t have any lessons for a full week. I lost myself in the fun and fascinating world of the internet exploring some of the darker corners. I didn’t realize it until I heard the knock at the door and had an interesting conversation with Edith, but I hadn’t left my room all week.
Edith said as she knocked “Michael, you need to let me in, we need to talk.” I opened the door and she smiled a soft, grandma smile. I stood back and opened the door. She walked in looking around, probably for any signs that I had lost my mind. Luckily even when I am feeling crazy, I like to keep things clean. I walked with her to the couch, I could have sworn that I could smell fear on her. She didn’t want to talk about this. We sat on the couch and she took my hand. “Michael, I need you to come down to the lawyer’s office with me. You are part of the will and need to hear it.” I said “Why do I need to hear it there? Why can’t you just tell me what fucked up relative I have to go live with?” She looked a little taken back by the curse word. I apologized for it and said “Im just feeling a lot of stress and I really don’t know how to deal with all of this.” The look of shock was replaced with another understanding smile. She said “They won’t read it to me, you are the next surviving member of the family. Your mother also asked in the will that you be there.” Interested I said “Mom wanted me there? That’s weird.” Edith nodded “It looks like she changed it before she… passed away.” I was a little confused but I agreed to go out with her.
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