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Old 01-23-2015, 04:59 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Wentzville, MO
Posts: 1,103
Walking back outside, I was trying to find a way to immobilize the beast so that I could get him out without getting bit. I found some pretty big rocks and thought that I could drop them on it and hopefully knock it out. I gathered up a few pretty heavy rocks and brought them in to the fort. I set them down right next to the hole and finally peek over the edge to see what I caught. I wanted it to be the coyote but I didn’t care if it was something else. I just wanted to play with something. The hole was full of the tarp and pacing back and forth on top of it was a coyote. I was elated. It looked at me angrily, spit dripped from the side of it mouth and it growled up at me. It didn’t like me at all. I smiled at the beast, just then it jumped. It came about a foot out of the hole and tried to grab at the edge with its paws. It flailed for a second but the dirt gave away and it slid back down into the hole. From the look of the edge of the hole it had tried this a few times. I heard myself laugh out loud at the creature. It was going to be a great day.
I inspected my assortment of rocks, listening to the beast below snarl and growl at me. I decided to go with the smallest of the rocks because it had some good sharp corners on it. I didn’t want to kill the thing, I just wanted it unconscious. I lifted it above my head and timed it, I could feel my body making small adjustments waiting for just the right time to let go. Then I watched from inside my head as I slammed the rock down. It flew through the air and crashed into the head of the thing. It made a little yipping sound and fell to the ground. I watched it writhe around a bit and then slowly get back to its feet. It had a pretty big gash on its head and blood matted the fur around it. I felt my body tense up when I saw the blood and at that moment I couldn’t wait any longer. I grabbed the largest rock, it was heavy and porous, I shouldn’t have been able to lift it but I got it above my head and aimed. I tossed it down and watched as it smashed into the coyote. This time there was no sound. The thing collapsed and didn’t move at all. Worried it was dead already I hoped down into the pit with no regard whatsoever.
Putting my hand on its side I could feel its body still moving from its breath, what a relief. I would have been very upset if it was already gone. It was bleeding badly and I resisted the urge to pay with the wound. I wrapped it up in the tarp and figure I could heave it out with it. I clambered back out of the hole and reached down to grab the bundled ends of the tarp. I pulled hard just realizing how heavy the thing was. After about ten minutes of struggling with the tarp I felt the weight ease off as the body rolled over the edge of the hole. Now I had to come up with some way to make sure the thing couldn’t move while I was having my fun.
I unwrapped it from the tarp and drug it to the table. I laid the tarp over the table and made a floor out of it some four feet around the table. I then drug the heavy thing over and wrestled it up onto the table. I considered breaking all of its legs to keep it stationary but I wasn’t sure how much pain it would take before it woke up and came at me. After thinking hard about what to do I decided that I should just take its life before it woke up, it would be the safest way but completely unsatisfying. One of the best parts was watching the life drain out of its eyes. I was lost in thought and didn’t notice that its tail had started to twitch. I went to pull my pocket knife out of my pocket, we have had some good times me and that knife. As I was fumbled in my pocket I felt an incredible pain shoot through my arm. I screamed and my head jerked to look at the coyote biting down on my wrist. I tried to struggle but the more I pulled back the harder it bit into my arm. A million thoughts rushed through my mind. I could see the points where its teeth sank into my arm, I could see my flesh tearing, I could smell its breath and the look in its eyes was terrifying. Blood and spit rolled around my wrist and dripped onto the table. It was trying to get to its feet, why didn’t I break them? I reached down to my side and found one of the rocks. With one swift motion I swung the rock around and made contact with the top of the coyotes head. I watched in almost slow motion as the rock came down on it, I saw its eyes close and it loosened its grip a bit but still latched on. I took another heavy swing, then another, I couldn’t stop. It had let go and I continued bashing its skull in. I watched as its eyes rolled up into its head and its skull fractured into tiny chunks. I was so filled with pure hatred and anger that I couldn’t stop. When I was finally done you couldn’t tell there was a head there anymore.
I stepped back and shook off the haze that had come over me. I was back in control and bleeding profusely from my arm. Though I could hardly feel it. The thing got out a lot easier than I had wanted. I was still holding the rock, covered in blood and dripping on the floor of my fort. I grabbed a roll of paper towels that I keep to clean up “messes”. I wrapped the towels around my arm and took some duct tape and tightened it around the towels. I still had work to do before I could go home and clean up, plus I wanted to wait until I knew everyone would be in bed so that I could take care of these clothes.
After making sure I wasn’t going to bleed through my makeshift bandages, I went back to the bloodied lump of fur on the table. It had bled a lot onto the table and the floor, it’s a good thing that I had covered everything with the tarp. I petted the little guy for a minute thinking about what I wanted to do with him. I started pulling the bone fragments out of his skull. I put a few of them in my pocket, I’ll find something to do with them. Then I had an idea. First, I wanted to see what his muscles looked like, he was the largest creature Ive gotten to play with so far and I wanted to enjoy it. I took my knife out and flipped it open. Its incredibly sharp, I did a lot of research online and I sharpen it every time I use it. I had become a lot better at removing the skin from things sense the bunny. I made cuts around its neck, each of the legs and its tail. One long cut down its mid-section from the neck to the tail I start pulling it apart at the middle using my knife to cut through all of the sinew. I’m trying hard to concentrate and stay present as long as I can, but after a few minutes of feeling the warm muscle and watching the blood pour out over my hands I got lost again. The feeling of perfection came and along with it the happiest I had been in weeks. I proceeded to forget about what had happened with Jennifer. The pain from the bite was gone. The dog behind the church was good, but this is amazing. It’s so beautiful.
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