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Old 01-14-2015, 07:59 AM
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Posts: 47
Originally Posted by Giganticface View Post
horrorpsycho, can you give us some insight as to what he doesn't like about modern horror movies?

Is it a production value thing, kinda like folks who legitimately really prefer music that has pre-mid-nineties production value, before digital recording? If so, that might be hard to find. There's no such thing as celluloid anymore.

Is it a stylistic thing? A lot of modern films try to be more "real," either by showing more than they used to (for instance, with more graphic kills), or with more advanced special effects, or just with a more reality-driven style, like all found footage films are, and many standard films try to be.

It's it a nostalgia thing? If so, that's going to be hard to overcome. Even a film like Zombeavers that tries to replicate the 80s slasher plot, production, etc., with cheesy moster puppets, is going to be considered satire. And throwback movies like Hatchet are similar, but also take advantage of modern trends like realistic effects and over-the-top violence.

Some extra insight would be helpful, but also there's a chance that it's an impossible task. You can't convert a weathered, die-hard, exclusive Rolling Stones fan to love One Republic.

Okay, so I literally copied and pasted your post into an e-mail to him and here's his response:

More of number 2 than the others. It's just old and tired with no new ideas. It's all mindless rehash and boring and uninspired. Just bland with no soul.
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