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Old 12-28-2014, 01:42 PM
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Evil Dead
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Originally Posted by horcrux2007 View Post
Austrian thriller film about two men hold a family captive while they are in their vacation home, and they physically and psychologically torture them with sadistic games.

Pretty interesting take on the home invasion genre, and it was especially relevant in the late 90's when movies were becoming even more gory and gritty. This movie is mostly a critique on horror movies of the time. The film intentionally contradicts itself, and one of the men occasionally breaks the fourth wall. On one occasion, he makes a bet with the family and asks the audience's opinion on the bet. The other captor frequently states the rules of a thriller film, such as how he won't kill the family immediately because there's "not as much entertainment value". There's even a scene where one of them rewinds the film itself so that the events play out how he wants it to. It's a pretty morbid movie; there's hardly any gore, but the scares are mostly psychological. Other than that, the movie is a little dull at times.

Interesting.....I have only seen the American version with Tim Roth. I will have to check it out some time.
Let's just say that if all the corpses were to stand up at once, we'd have one hell of a population problem

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