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Old 12-23-2014, 02:25 PM
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Goathead Goathead is offline
Fear the Goathammer
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: R'lyeh
Posts: 103
I really love Rob Zombie, both musically as for movies. House of 1000 Corpses should be one of my most favorite movies because of its Charles Manson-feel and I love that. And the soundtrack is phenomenal. Also love the Devil's Rejects and the Lords of Salem. About the Halloween movies, well they surely don't match the Original, but hey, they are at least better than Halloween 3. ^^

I also liked the cartoon The Haunted World of El Superbeasto, had a pervers kind of humour, like the cartoon series Drawn Together, I like that.

So well, to sum up I am actually pretty pumped for this movie, the artwork and what is known so far about this movie seems very promising. But we'll see...
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