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Old 11-19-2014, 07:16 AM
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horcrux2007 horcrux2007 is offline
Evil Dead
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Originally Posted by realdealblues View Post
Well there's two kinds of bad movies.

There's good bad, and bad,

There's lots of low budget junk and SyFy channel movies that some people (such as myself) still enjoy watching for various reasons.

But there are others that I can honestly tell you not to waste your time watching because they are honestly terrible and have no redeeming features other than to make you feel bored for an hour and half and wish you had that wasted hour and a half of your life You want that kind of bad?
I honestly don't care. It can be so bad it's good or just no redeeming qualities at all.

A couple I have found that are some that I've watched and some that I've found around the internet:

The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence):
"The film is reprehensible, dismaying, ugly, artless and an affront to any notion, however remote, of human decency." - Roger Ebert

The Devil Inside:
"The Devil Inside is a cheap, choppy unscary mess, featuring one of the worst endings in recent memory." - Rotten Tomatoes

The Apparition:
"hilariously non-scary" - RedEye Chicago

House of 1,000 Corpses:
"Cheesy, vapid, contrived, and shallow..." - Cinema Crazed

Troll 2:
"godawfulness in the best way imaginable" - 7M Pictures

One Missed Call:
"The first major release of the year is a complete dud. Shocker!" - Kevin McCarthy
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