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Old 09-03-2014, 11:33 AM
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horcrux2007 horcrux2007 is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 2,744
Ju-On: The Grudge


I had a less than spectacular time watching this movie. My biggest problem with this film was that it was told out of order which was somewhat confusing. It was probably because I didn't know it was told in a nonlinear way, and I had to look that up to see what the hell was going on. "The Grudge" isn't a terrible film. It favors dark hallways and creepy noises, something anyone can relate to, rather than excessive blood, but I couldn't find much to be scared of in this film and was bored most of the time. I must say, though, the scariest parts were the Hitori and Toyama segments. I might need to watch this again to get more into the film than I was last time.
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