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Old 03-11-2014, 05:37 AM
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Angra Angra is offline
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"Nymphomaniac vol. 1" 3/10

Oh boy, what an uninteresting movie.

The dialogue between the listener (Skarsgård)) and the storyteller (Gainsbourg) is incredibly boring and the story just isn't very interesting. And the original version is about 1 hour longer. YIKES!!! I can only imagine/hope it's the sex scenens that's been cut out or shortened in this version. Coz despite all the viewers who has called Triers latest marathon movie a porno, there really isn't a lot of sex in it and only a couple of hardcore scenes that last a few seconds. No biggie. Might get worse in vol. 2 tho. I don't know. I may never find out.

"Escape" (2012) 6-7/10

Well made, but the story was just tiny. It's all in the titel.

A story about a girl who tries to escape a group of robbers (i guess) who kills her parent and young brother in the beginning of the movie. Why, you migt ask? Not important. What's important is that we see a girl running for her life for 1 and a half hour. Certainly isn't a dull flick.

By the director of "Cold Prey".

Thanks for the rec, Newb.

"Odd Thomas" 8/10

A really good comedy/horror (think Frighteners, but just not quite up there) that actually had me in tears at the end.

"Bad Country" 5/10

Plain action story you've seen a hundred times before. But it got stache.

"Dead Before Dawn" 2/10

If Disney should ever make a horror movie for teens it would probably be like this one. Overacting galore and pople shouting out their lines every minute to make them more hilarious. Kill em all..

"Dark House/Haunted/Dark House IV/Haunted IV" 7/10

I have no idea what the original title of this movie is and if this is really a fourth movie in a franchise, then where the hell are the former 3??

If we take that the titel is Dark House IV and the first one is Dark House from 2009 starring Jeffrey Combs, then what is the second and third movie called, coz i sure as hell can't find them?

If it instead is called Haunted IV and the first one is from 1995 starring Aidan Quinn, then... it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Now on to the movie.

Directed by Victor Salva (Jeepers Creepers) this is an odd, but nice, blend of more than one horror genre. We have a Koontz/King character who inherits an abandoned house that's been lost in a forest for years. A house that turns out to be guarded by Wrong Turn mutants called Axemen. Pretty creepy looking creatures. Add to that some Lovecraft and demonic angels and you have Dark House/Haunted.

Pretty damn original, might i say. My only complaint is that most of the movie takes place in the woods outside the mystic house with all its dark secrets. But maybe we'll se more to that in Dark House/Haunted V.
I'm right. It's the rest of the world that's wrong.
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