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Old 11-12-2013, 07:30 AM
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Kandarian Demon Kandarian Demon is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Denmark
Posts: 545
Your links doesn't work... anyway, I don't think it's realistic. Especially not Heather...

I guess they could bring Freddy back from anything, as he's a supernatural creature, but as much as I hate to say it, and as much as I love Robert Englund (one of my two favourite actors), he is a bit old to play a character as physically demanding as Freddy.

And as much as I hate saying it - it was time to stop when they did. At least Freddy vs Jason more or less convinced me that trying to bring Freddy into the new millenium was a pretty bad idea. He was very much a part of the 80s/90s, and the "climate" back then.

I'm a HUGE Elm Street fan, but as much as I would love it if another movie was possible, I think it's time to let Freddy rest in piece.
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