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Old 09-10-2013, 10:53 PM
Jeremy Vaeni Jeremy Vaeni is offline
THAT guy.
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Hawaii
Posts: 5
Thanks, PFH....

Into The End is the first book-like thing I ever wrote, back in high school. (I say book-like because, while it was great for 16, for anyone else who might want to read it, it was a mess.) It collected dust for decades. Then, I think in 2008 or 2009, a ghost writer friend who didn't have time to write a time travel book asked me to ghost write it for him.

That's right: ghost writing for a ghost writer. Crazy world.

Anyway, in my infinite laziness, I decided to dust off the old manuscript, which was about alien abduction, and rewrite it as a time travel book. The project fell through on his end, but he was kind enough to revert the rights back to me and said I could do what I wanted with it provided I change the character names.

Meanwhile, I had in mind an idea I thought was so genius I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it already. I was going to turn that into a screenplay, but again infinite laziness set in and I decided I'd use that as the premise of the new incarnation of this book. So again, I rewrote it. No longer is it an alien abduction book or a time travel book. Now it's this other thing with those elements. That wasn't as hard to achieve as it might sound because when I rewrote it as a time travel book, it was the beginning of what would have been a series. Where I ended it was just vague enough to expand upon without having to majorly rewrite anything. (It was still a pain in the ass-don't get me wrong. Just not impossible.)

So, how long did it take to write? I don't know. I just turned 40. Either 24 years or 5 years, depending on how you count.

I developed the website in a matter of days. The graphics are from the book cover. That they all came together as well as they did for a webpage is just dumb luck.

Last edited by Jeremy Vaeni; 09-10-2013 at 10:56 PM.
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