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Old 08-29-2013, 07:51 AM
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Straker Straker is offline
Midnight toker
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Mark Gattis (The League of Gentlemen) made a quality horror doc, A History of Horror which is worth consideration. Filled with interviews and insights from horror legends and presented by someone with a genuine passion for the genre, well worth watching.

I haven't really seen that many horror docs though to be honest, so I haven't got much input to add, but I would like to see something special effects orientated in the list. Guys like Harryhausen, Bottin, Baker, Savini have really given a lot to the genre and this seems like a good opportunity to acknowledge their contribution, if possible. Something like;

The Starz Inside: Fantastic Flesh

Not a pure horror doc, but focuses on special effects, contains a lot of horror legends, well worth watching.