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Old 07-12-2013, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by realdealblues View Post
I take all the lists with a grain of salt because there aren't any guidelines. How do you rate what the greatest Horror movies of all time are? Box Office Sales? Impact on the Genre or Culture in general? Scare factor? Memorable characters? It's tough to judge. How much of personal preference goes into those lists?

I remember when "The Ring" came out and I swear that's all I heard about for weeks. How great and scary that movie was. It took me 3 consecutive days to get through that movie. The first time I sat down to watch it I fell asleep about 30 minutes in due to sheer utter boredom. I went back the next day (well rested) and started the movie from where I left off and fell asleep again after about another 30 minutes due to extreme boredom. I went back and finally made it through the last bit on the 3rd day. That's the only time that has ever happened in my life with any movie.

Obviously, I wouldn't rank it very highly but yet I see it on lots of lists. I use the lists more as tool to see if there's something I haven't seen and might want to watch.
That is funny because I thought the Ring was stupid for the longest time, despite never seeing it. Then, I actually watched it and was completely blown away. I thought it was an excellent film with a great story and really good acting. Additionally, I thought it was very good at building suspense. Ultimately, I believe that this film was definitely as good as the hype claimed it was. Of course, supernatural stuff naturally scares me. Note: it was not as scary the second time, but no less good, in my opinion.

Last edited by metternich1815; 07-12-2013 at 10:01 AM.
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