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Old 11-29-2012, 10:54 PM
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tungsten tungsten is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: B.C.
Posts: 4
Wow, god damn - just watched The Stone Tape. It's a perfect example of what I want. It's shortcomings are clear, in that it's a made for tv film, but the aesthetic and performances more than make up for it. It made me feel sick to my stomach and gave me a legitimate scare, which is rare for me, and much appreciated. The plot synopsis intrigued me, but I wasn't expecting it to have the effect it did. The sound-work in particular stands out to me, and I've not seen credits (of all things) so perfectly underscore dread before. Thanks very much, Horror4ever, going to try some of your other suggestions soon.
an album I made -
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