Thread: Creepier?
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Old 11-21-2012, 07:19 AM
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Straker Straker is offline
Midnight toker
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Every movie asks you to suspend disbelief to a degree whether it be 'ultra realistic' movies or demons and vampires fighting for world domination. I'm not really sure I agree with the whole 'realistic' movie concept in the first place. Usually we apply the term 'realistic' (and I'm sure I've done it myself in the past so I'm not pointing fingers) to scenes that are more visceral, but typically how realistic are they? Saw I is realistic? I don't see it like that at all... Its not really a bad movie, but, to me at least, its in no way realistic no matter how hard it tries. Its about as farcical as something like Arsenic and Old Lace!

I'm not really sure what point I'm trying to make, but ultimately I guess I'm trying to say that the premise of the movie isn't the thing that is going to make it resonate with me. It's all about well delivered stories and solid acting, if you get that right you get a 'scary' film regardless of whether the premise is something utterly unbelievable or not. For example.... NOTLD is much more 'realistic' than alot of movies that try to trade off realism because its grounded by characters like Ben who make it so easy to suspend disbelief. The fact that he's fighting off a zombie horde just makes the whole thing more fun. :cool:
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