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Old 09-09-2012, 05:49 AM
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Evil is Better

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Originally Posted by natthezombabeee View Post
aw really ? I love rob zombies movies. I thought it was good I don't know I guess just watching the movie for the second time I picked up on things I didn't pick up on the first time. with the zombie halloweens I really like that he gives a background to Michael Myers. I mean in the original obviously he was crazy but whatever lol I don't know. I always like to know the background of killers to understand why they do the things the do. that's just me though. what didn't you like about it ?
I'm guessing you meant to quote me and not yourself.

I like Zombie's films too. House of 1000 Corpses and Devils Rejects were great and i enjoyed the Halloween remake as i appreciated what he tried to do. The first half was really good but it fell apart at the end. But i have to disagree with you on the background thing, it was cool seeing how he came to be and all that but when it came time for him to be The Shape, it just didnt work. He didn't have the prowess and creep factor he did in the original when you know he was just a whacked out kid who was bullied. Still though i enjoyed the remake.

Now the sequel, that was a mess. None of the characters were the same. He changed and raped every character of who they were. Loomis became a complete douchebag celebrity, for godsakes. He even turned Micheal Myers into a bearded hobo. I get that he wanted to do his own thing and of course it had to be the same redneck hillbilly thing he does in all his movies but it doesn't even connect with his remake. How are you going to make a sequel that doesn't connect with the original? I know a lot of people say he did that with Devil's Rejects but i just saw him expanding on House of 1000 Corpses with that whereas H2 and Halloween were nothing alike.

Not only that but the story, the acting, the writing were all terrible. What the hell was with that horse thing? The whole thing was a mess, it didnt make any sense, wasn't scary, wasn't interesting. It was just bad.

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