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Old 07-30-2012, 01:42 PM
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Bob Gray Bob Gray is offline
Demon from Ago
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Originally Posted by realdealblues View Post
No, I like Horror a lot. I like Barker, Koontz, King, etc. They just don't end up in my Top 10 books of all time. I don't read them over and over. The complete poems and short stories of Poe could probably rank up there for me, but my two favorite Authors are Douglas Adams and Ernest Hemingway. I've read all their books several times over because Douglas Adams is everything I "think" about life, and Ernest Hemingway is everything that "actually happens" to me in life.

I could try to make a Top 10 Horror novels if I think about it for a little while.
No need to justify your favorites my man, if you can't think of a horror novel that would be in your all-time favorites list that is okay.

For me it changes all of the time but my number one is always Stephen King's IT and then Lord of the Rings and To Kill a Mockingbird fall in their somewhere, other than that my choices are always in flux.

Last edited by Bob Gray; 07-30-2012 at 01:48 PM.
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