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Old 07-04-2012, 10:33 AM
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Fearonsarms Fearonsarms is offline
From The Beyond
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Gates Of Hell
Posts: 3,598
The Deadly Spawn (1982) saw this on the UK's horror channel and it was advertised as a video nasty by Emily Booth but I don't remember it making the list???Anyway this was an ultra gorefest alien invasion movie. It has a lot of references to the creature feature movies it was obviously inspired by. The acting is of course terrible and there's no real plot but there are some memorable scenes including some grannies accidentally eating one of the spawns and then complete carnage. Enjoyable fun.

Cassadaga (2011)Studios please make more inventive daring risk-taking horror like this. It is set in the titular town the "psychic capital of the USA". After a genuinely jaw dropping opening the movie continues about a killer who makes marionnettes of his victims. Plus it has Star Trek DS9's straight laced Bajoran Kai Louise Fletcher smoking spliffs and growing weed in her greenhouse which is hilarious. There's also a supernatural angle to the film and it works really well with the creative playing with the serial killer's victims. Gruesome and haunting. Recommended.
"The wind that would have killed us both, it saves my life"-Bel Canto
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