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Old 04-29-2012, 03:31 AM
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Originally Posted by cheebacheeba View Post

I've started watching "American Horror Story".
It's not bad actually...I've seen a lot of hate for this show.
It's unusual. Slightly reminiscent of things like American Gothic (misses...) and various Stephen King I guess that could be the issue for some people, finding that it's a bit too derivative or something.
I've watched three episodes thus far, pretty brutal content when you consider it's coming from the same guys that do "Glee".
The overall storyline, meh.
The past storyline and "history of the house" elements are pretty cool though.
Nice music.

Seen 4 episodes and that'll probably be it.

Here's my huge problems with it.

1. It's a haunted house movie but it contains zero atmosphere. They're going for gore instead. Fucking ameicans..

2. All the ghosts looks exactly like living people and new ones keeps turning up each episode, no questions asked from the home owners, like "how the hell did you get into my house?" would be a fairly reasonable question. It's a big house but i don't see there's room for another season of ghosts.

3. Got tired of all the new faces/ghosts each episode instead of focusing on the the few from the pilot. They were interesting enough and deserved more screen time for their charaters to develope. But the obvious concept to add new ghosts to the story each episode just makes it dumber and dumber. Like i started out saying, only seen 4 episodes and i'm already tired of it.

What i did like was the very end of the pilot. A teaser to have the viewer believe there will actually be evil looking ghosts in the future episodes. My ass!

And then of course there's Jessica Lange. Steels the show in every scene she's in. Fuck the ghosts i just wanna see HER teorrising the family.

I have spokeeeen!!
I'm right. It's the rest of the world that's wrong.
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