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Old 04-29-2012, 02:28 AM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
Awake can be hit and miss, the last one I saw wasn't an especially strong episode, though it tends to have minor slumps between great episodes.

I've started watching "American Horror Story".
It's not bad actually...I've seen a lot of hate for this show.
It's unusual. Slightly reminiscent of things like American Gothic (misses...) and various Stephen King I guess that could be the issue for some people, finding that it's a bit too derivative or something.
I've watched three episodes thus far, pretty brutal content when you consider it's coming from the same guys that do "Glee".
The overall storyline, meh.
The past storyline and "history of the house" elements are pretty cool though.
Nice music.

Betty Whites "Off their Rockers".
This is a hidden cam style show that features senior citizens pulling pranks and trying to weird out younger people.
It's pretty easy to sit through, and while I'm not sure why she's in such high demand again over the last couple of years, but Betty is pretty enjoyable to watch. The pranks are "ok" with more of the verbal ones hitting the mark than the physical. Can't help but think it feels a tad staged.
Hm, it's ok "sit back and get stupid" viewing.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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