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Old 01-27-2012, 01:11 PM
StarWard77 StarWard77 is offline
Little Boo
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 2
Free StaciLayne!!!

Hey fellas, don't be messing with my homegirl, Staci! Let the grrrrrl speak her mind. Ok, enough of the testosterone overload. :D Great list, SLW, though I sadly can't speak for the titles that have stirred up all the controversy in this thread. It was a piss poor year for horror to be sure. Seeing folks lining up in hordes for stuff like PARANORMAL 3 just depresses me. And even though THE WOMAN is as bad you say it is, I'm glad I got to take that trip into the abyss with you as my pilot.:) Here's hoping for greener (or is that redder?) pastures in 2012! :cool:
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